

Once connected, several elements will appear, starting with the top bar displaying your Certification Credits, your SIGN token balance, your WAVES balance, your Waves Address for the connected account and the actualisation icon.


The top part of the overview tab display 3 blocks with your SIGN, Waves and Total Sign balance in USD

The sidebar on the left includes all the different tabs for SIGN token management under MANAGE TOKEN. The CERTIFICATION TOOLS tab includes all the certification features. Underneath all the tabs are the options to buy or swap for SIGN tokens and Certification Credits with Credit Card/ Paypal, WAVES or USDN


Second part of the overview is the transaction history list of all your past transactions using SIGN tokens or SIGN dApp Certification credits for the connected address.


The following transaction types (displayed in expanded mode here) will appear in the overview history:

Inward Transfer (type 4 transaction)

Fields displayed: Date, Sender address, Transaction ID, Amount received, Optional attachment

Outward Transfer (type 4 transaction)

Fields displayed: Date, Recipient address, Transaction ID, Amount sent, Optional attachment

Inward Mass Transfer (type 11 transaction)

Fields displayed: Date, Recipient count, Transaction ID, Total Amount sent, Optional attachment (message is unique and same to all recepient)

Outward Mass Transfer (type 11 transaction)

Fields displayed: Date, Recipient count, Transaction ID, Total Amount sent, Optional attachment (message is unique and same to all recepient)

File Certification (type 16 transaction)

Fields displayed: Date, Certification Reference, Transaction ID, Amount paid (in SIGN tokens or Credit(s)), Hash of the certified file

Email Certification (type 16 transaction)

Date, Certification Reference, Transaction ID, Amount paid (in SIGN tokens or Credit(s)), Message ID of the email sent

Multi-Party Agreement creation (type 16 transaction)

Fields displayed: Date, Agreement Reference, Transaction ID, Amount paid (in SIGN tokens or Credit(s)), Hash of the agreement file

Signature Request (type 16 transaction)

Fields displayed: Date, Agreement Reference, Transaction ID, Hash of the agreement file

Last updated