Email Certification
The Email Certification page allows you to send emails to multiple recipients with attachments using your credentials or an open SMTP. This will certify the email message-ID on the Waves Blockchain.
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The Email Certification page allows you to send emails to multiple recipients with attachments using your credentials or an open SMTP. This will certify the email message-ID on the Waves Blockchain.
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This page displays the list of your previous email certifications ordered by date, each block in this list displays the following:
Fields displayed Date, Reference, Transaction ID (linking to waves explorer), Copy link icon to share the proof of certification in verification explorer, Message ID, link to the Proof of Certification PDF
On the top right you will find a button "SEND EMAIL NOW", this opens the Email Certification form.
By clicking on the SEND EMAIL NOW button you will access the certification form allowing you to send Certified emails using your Waves account keypair.
Select SMTP: Select the SMTP option you want to use, either our Open SMTP (Mailgun) or your own custom SMTP credentials, if you use the second option, no sensitive data will be stored. Reference: This will be the reference of the email, 45 characters maximum, stored publicly on the Waves Blockchain First name: The first name of the sender Last name: The last name of the sender Email sender: The email of the sender Email recipient: The email(s) of the recipient(s), separated by "," if multiple recipients Attachment: You can select an attachment here, recommended 2MB per file and 10MB total Message: The message to include in the email Transaction fee: Either SIGN token or Waves can be used to pay the transaction fee Certification Fee: The cost in SIGN token per certification or the amount of your certification credit available (cost is 1 credit per certification) Certify Email: Sign and broadcast the transaction
Fill in the blanks, there are 6 fields for the open SMTP option:
and 9 if you use your own custom SMTP:
FIELDS If you choose the custom SMTP option, you will need to fill the following extra fields related to your email account: Server (ex:, Port (ex: 587), Login, Password
Select or Drag and Drop the attachments here:
Write your message in the next field:
The transaction fee zone will allow you to choose how you want to pay the transaction fee, with either SIGN tokens or Waves. The "Certification fee" zone will display either the cost per certification in SIGN token or the cost in Certification Credit and the Credit balance associated to your account.
Once everything is ok, click "CERTIFY FILE" to open Waves Signer and sign the transaction with your account.
Verify that all the data is correct then click confirm.
If everything goes well, you will see the following confirmation popin displaying the different recipients, the message ID and the transaction ID. You can use the message ID or Transaction ID to retrieve the certification in the SIGN Explorer or directly in the Waves Explorer (raw data with Transaction ID)
After a few seconds, the transaction will appear in the transaction history list.
IMPORTANT No email address, attachment or message will be stored on Blockchain. If you use the open SMTP, the 3rd party provider used to send the email will keep a copy of the message for 48h privately on their side in their logs.
The sender and all recipients will then receive a copy of the message:
To search a message by its message ID in gmail, use "rfc822msgid:" followed by the message ID, in the search bar, for example:
To confirm that the message was sent from you need to verify the signature of the message as followed: