File Certification
This is how you Certify your files or data on the SIGN Smart Contract
Call this function with the correct arguments in the correct order where: hash: is a String and represents the hash of your file, this is expecting a sha256 hash and it should be 64 bytes (characters) max. title: is a string and represents the reference of the file, this is limited to 64 bytes (characters) max. uuid: is a String and represents a unique identifiant for your certification, this has to be generated by any uuid library, SIGN webapp is using the uuid library, if the uuid is already used by another record on the dApp storage you will receive the "This uuid already exist" error, this is to avoid collision.
Example of uuid v1 used in 1bb05c20-9e4b-11ea-9bc2-61ecf68f28a5
data: is a String and represents the data of your certification grouped in a JSON structure, this is organised as you want to ease the gathering of data to a single call:
Example in { hash: fileHash, timestamp: timestamp, title: fileRef, ipfs: ipfsHash };
signerPubKey: is a String that represents the public key of an account signing the invocation calling this method.
To get the public key using waves signer in your webapp you simply need to get it with: document.signer._userData.publicKey
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